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Hello! My name is Emily Chaney; I am an art educator and photographer. I am primarily based in Bowling Green, Ohio currently pursuing my Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Art Education Two-Dimensional studies with a focus in Photography at Bowling Green State University. I will be earning my degree in May 2017.


I was born and raised in Fort Loramie, Ohio, graduating high school in 2012. Ever since I was young, I have always had an interest in art, mostly drawing. I was always making new art, expanding my skills as I got older. Once I got into high school, I became interested in photography and digital art. Now, in college, I am making all different kinds of artwork - I keep expanding my skills!


Becoming a teacher was never my first choice as a career path. I wanted to go to school for photography and start my own business, but I was directed to a different path. I took my first education course and decided I would study Early Childhood Education. I wasn't too keen on the idea because I wanted to do something with art - it's my passion. It was then that I made the choice to become an art teacher.

I strive for success in my classroom and in my personal work.

My students are my number one priority and I believe anyone can be an artist.

The photos to the left are a few of the many photos from my series Home Now. The series explores my boyfriend being home after his eleven month deployment. They show how he has been interacting with civilian life vs. military life. These photos also show myself reacting to him being home after the deployment.


For the official artist statement written for these photos click on the PDF file link. To see the rest of the photos in the series visit the gallery!

Artist Statement

About Me

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